Der Polter-Kommissar rudert zurück

War was? Mehrere Stunden nach einem viel zitierten “Bild”-Bericht lässt Energiekommissar Oettinger die umstrittenen Äußerungen dementieren. Aus einer Pressemitteilung seiner Sprecherin:

In his speech at the German-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, Commissioner Oettinger argued that the outcome of national elections have a significant influence on whether a government has the necessary political support to implement reforms or not.
“If there is no clear mandate by voters and no stable majority in the national parliament, it is more difficult for a government to address the deficit and debt issue and challenging to implement painful but necessary structural reforms.”
Talking about the EU as a whole, Commissioner Oettinger focused on the enormous challenges still lying ahead of us:
“Europe in a very difficult phase and the reform process is certainly not over yet, I expressed my personal concerns.”
On France, the Commissioner reiterated his call “to push the necessary reforms.”
Plötzlich ist keine Rede mehr vom “Sanierungsfall” Europa. Auch die Kritik an der Bundesregierung ist verschwunden. Sieht ganz so aus, als sei der CDU-Politiker zurückgepfiffen worden… Mehr zum Thema hier