EU-Agendapolitik nimmt Gestalt an

Der neueste Entwurf für den EU-Gipfel zeigt, dass die von Kanzlerin Merkel geforderte Agendapolitik für ganz Europa Gestalt annimmt. Auszug aus dem Draft:

This (the shared analysis of the economic situation) will be based on an assessment of growth and job-enhancing policies and measures, including the performance of labour and product markets, the efficiency of public service, as well as innovation, education and vocational training, employment and social inclusion in the Euro area.

The Commission will also provide a first overview of the implementation of country-specific recommendations that will be a basis for the further monitoring of their implementation.

On this basis, work will be carried forward to strengthen economic policy coordination, including by agreeing in December on the main features of contractual arrangements and of associated solidarity mechanisms. This would engage all Euro area Member States but non-Euro area Member States may also choose to enter into similar arrangements.

Hier stehen schon die Bereiche, die Merkel in “Reformverträgen” abdecken will (natürlich zuerst die Arbeitsmärkte). Außerdem ist klar beschrieben, dass ALLE Euro-Länder betroffen sein sollen.

Immerhin scheint Merkel eine Konzession an Frankreich zu machen: es soll “Solidaritätsmechanismen” geben – sprich: Cash gegen Reformen.

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