Why Kallas’ move to Brussels isn’t certain
The Estonian politician is on the short list for a top job in the EU. But Liberals are already over-represented
Will the Estonian head of government Kaja Kallas, known as a Russia-hater, become the next EU foreign policy chief? German media are applauding her move to Brussels – but it is all but certain.
Kallas herself has admitted this. “I remain extremely sceptical,” said the right-wing liberal politician, who could move to Brussels on the ticket of the liberal European Renew party.
She had always doubted her nomination. A lot could still happen before the decisive EU summit next week.
She is right about that. After all, the last informal summit did not produce an agreement. On the contrary: a power struggle for the leadership positions broke out on Monday.
The conservative EPP wants more power, preferably all of it. Italy’s right-wing populist head of government Meloni was dissatisfied and questioned a possible deal that would also include Kallas.
The EPP has obviously overreached. Its share of seats in the new European Parliament has risen from just 25 to 26.4 per cent – that is no roaring success. The Liberals, on the other hand, have plummeted.
If the EPP is already claiming more jobs, then this should be at the expense of the Liberals – and possibly even in favour of the right-wing populists à la Meloni, who have held their own.
The ECR parliamentary group, which is home to Meloni’s “Fratelli d’Italia”, could even become stronger than the Liberals as a result of last-minute changes. If this happens, Meloni is likely to demand a top EU post.
In general, the Liberals are already over-represented in EUrope. They have appointed the Frenchwoman Lagarde to the ECB, and the Dutchman Rutte is soon to take over Nato.
We can therefore look forward to an exciting showdown at the EU summit on 27 and 28 June – Kallas could fall by the wayside. And not everyone would shed a tear over it…