Neues vom Wirtschaftskrieg (208): Sanktionen fördern Flucht aus dem Dollar

Die G-7 setzen jetzt auf nationale, aber koordinierte Sanktionen. Tschechien straft im Alleingang den russischen Patriarchen Kyrill ab. Und die westlichen Sanktionen befördern die Abkehr vom Dollar.

  • Westliche Sanktionen befördern die Abkehr vom Dollar. De-dollarization: Not a matter of if, but when. US hegemony is losing its grip, as friend and foe seek currency alternatives amid global sanctions and new Global South alliances. (…) As such, in just over a 12-month period, countries around the world mustered the courage to begin openly discussing the creation of alternative methods to conduct trade and settlement, as well as reducing their dollar reserves. The trade and settlement role of the dollar is where most of exiting will occur and where the demand for the dollar will fall away more precipitously. Furthermore, BRICS countries have attracted numerous new member applications over the past year, with Egypt, Turkey, Algeria, and most recently Saudi Arabia showing interest and making declarations about creating a BRICS currency to compete with the dollar. (Responsible Statecraft) – We told you so… Aus dem Schneeball ist mittlerweile eine Lawine geworden, sogar der Mainstream berichtet…
  • G-7 setzen neuerdings auf nationale, aber koordinierte Sanktionen. The US, Europe and other key allies of Ukraine are preparing fresh penalties against Russia to try and tighten the net on President Vladimir Putin’s economy more than 14 months into his war, according to people familiar with the matter. The packages would be individually implemented but coordinated. A key goal is to close loopholes in existing penalties and tackle overall sanctions circumvention, the people said, asking not to be identified discussing sensitive matters.  The plans will be unveiled around a Group of Seven leaders meeting in Japan later this month. (…) The Bank of Russia forecast that the economy will grow as much as 2% this year as the impact of sanctions fades, with gross domestic product reaching pre-war levels by the end of 2024, far earlier than many economists had forecast. (Bloomberg) Die G-7 sind mit ihrem Latein am Ende, trotz aller Sanktionen erholt sich Russlands Wirtschaft schneller als die in Deutschland…
  • Tschechien straft im Alleingang den russischen Patriarchen Kyrill ab. By making the first entry to the national sanctions list, the Czech Republic has taken another step in its efforts to use its sanctions powers to respond more rapidly to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (…) The powers under the Sanctions Act were deployed on 26 April 2023, when the Czech Government placed the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vladimir Mikhailovich Gundyayev, better known as Patriarch Kirill, on the Czech national sanctions list for supporting the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (…) The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church and a supporter of the Russian President Vladimir Putin has not been put on the EU sanctions list yet as some of the Member States objected to his inclusion during the discussions on the 6th EU sanctions package. (Sanctionsnews)

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