Thou Shalt Love Germany
The Cyprus deal generated a lot of heat for the German government. As a first in European rescue deals, even long time ally Luxembourg does not hold back. Alas, the Germans don’t seem to even listen. The dominant power tunes out criticism and is expecting praise instead.
Is there a perceptual shift in Europe? Is Germany seen as the enemy? A hot topic with European political insiders now reaches Berlin.
How ironic that it took the botched deal for tiny Cyprus, considering the painful German led ‘rescues’ in Greece and Spain – the latter of which is headed for the next escalation.
But the question is out now: Cyprus asks it, as do Malta, Greece and Portugal. Even Luxembourg suggests Berlin might strive to establish itself as the dominating Euro power. And at last German media takes notice.
There seems to be a mental block however about just listening and appreciating the criticism, just the same as there is no mercy concerning the hardships called by the German lead ‘rescue’ operations.
The most recent example for complacency and self righteousness shows last Wednesday’s ‘Anne Will’ political talk show. Instead of taking in feedback from the ‘saved’ countries, talk guests were endlessly repeating the official government line: it is about rules that have to be adhered to, about competitiveness, and of course about the cultural differences that makes it impossible for the southern tribes to aspire to sufficient German greatness.
Where’s The Praise?
In finance minister Schäuble’s eyes others are just jealous at the best in class performer, while justice minister Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger expect the EU to shield Germany from the criticism. Talk show guests felt like helping other countries to catch up, and they tried to cover German Europe against the backlash of the uncivilized southern masses.
And it is not an isolated occurrence. I have just skimmed the German daily ‘Zeit’, and under the head line ‘Where’s the praise?’ it complains about the lack of love towards the savior of the common currency.
How loud do the losers of ‘German Europe’ (U. Beck) have to complain for Hamburg and Berlin to take note? But then, German ears seem tuned to praise…