Wie Syriza auf Juncker reagiert

Immer wenn “die Institutionen” die griechische Regierung attackieren, schießt die Linksregierung mit einem “Non Paper”, einer Art inoffizieller Argumentationshilfe, zurück. Hier das jüngste Syriza-Papier:

The institutions, through J. Cl. Juncker, claim that the government does not inform the citizens properly. Let us see one by one the points on which, according to Juncker, the government misinforms the citizens.

1. “There are no pension cuts” in the institutions’ proposal, says Mr. Juncker. A statement that caused the reaction even of – the well-known for his opinions – Peter Spiegel: “Sorry, that’s just not true,” he tweeted, while in another tweet he noted that the “creditors’ bailout offer includes phasing out EKAS “solidarity grant” by Dec 2019. That’s a pension cut, regardless of what Juncker says.”

The Commission’s proposal certainly includes pension cuts. Where else do the proposed measures lead? These measures are:

a. “Gradual abolition of EKAS low-pension benefit” until December 2017.

b.“Increase in pensioners’ health contributions to 6% on average, which will extend to supplementary pensions.”

c. ”All supplementary pension funds are only financed by own contributions”, i.e. implementation of the zero deficit clause, which will eliminate supplementary pensions.

d. “A first package of measures will be adopted immediately, targeting 1.05% of GDP in enhanced savings annually by 2016.” What does “1.05% of GDP” mean? More than 1.8 billion euros in 2016 will be cut from pensions and the social security system to service the debt.

e. Furthermore, the institutions’ proposal stipulates “to establish a close link between contributions and benefits,” therefore, further pension reductions.

f. Finally, the institutions demand that we “abolish most of nuisance charges in the financing of pensions,” which will mean a reduction in the pension funds’ revenues equal to more than 700 million euros per year.

2. The institutions, said Mr. Juncker, “insist on socially just measures.” What are these… social measures:

  • The abolition of subsidies on heating oil.
  • The abolition of the Special Consumption Tax necessary for farmers’ diesel fuel.
  • The reduction in the amount of 1,500 euros per account and the abolition of the maximum limit of 25% for the confiscation of bank accounts savings for tax debts. 
  • The increase in the interest rate applied on the restructured debt scheme.

3. As for VAT, the institutions insist on:

  • 23% for catering and hotels [they lowered hotels to 13% after continual pressure].
  • 13% only for very basic foods, energy and water.
  • Elimination of reduced VAT on all islands.

4. There was never an ultimatum. However, the Eurogroup president, Jeroen Dijsselbloem clearly stated that the deadline is expiring for Athens.

5. Finally, it should be noted that the agreement itself does not really solve any problem. Every month, there will be an evaluation, and after five months everything will start from scratch! So there is no prospect offered by such an agreement that “forgets” there is yet a huge debt to be restructured. This is a contract that will “legitimately” keep Greece a permanent hostage.

Mehr zum Thema in meinem “Faktencheck zu Griechenland” sowie hier: “Tsipras verwirrt Freund und Feind”