US charges Assange – EU fails to react
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was arrested in London at the Embassy of Ecuador – a questionable process in itself. But now it becomes known that – besides the British arrest warrant – an extradition request from the USA has been received. And the EU remains silent.
“When the judiciary speaks, the executive should remain silent” – with these words the spokesman of Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker justified the non-reaction. So far, no “EU-angle” has been identified.
Can this be taken seriously? When it comes to justice in Poland or Romania, the EU Commission does not mince its words. Juncker’s Vice-President Frans Timmermans regularly interferes when he smells violations of the rule of law.
But in the UK, the Brexit country? Nothing! Yet the threat of extradition to the USA is now really a casus belli. The EU cannot and must not allow Assange to be extradited to a country where he faces the death penalty. It should have made that clear long ago.
But instead of standing up for Assange’s rights, Juncker & Co. looked the other way…
See also “Sprecht über Assange!”
P.S. Even one day after Assange’s arrest, the EU Commission continues to mason. When a journalist asked whether The Commission considered Assange to be a journalist (for whom special rules apply, such as the right to refuse to testify or the protection of research and leaks), a spokesman refused to answer.
Translated with
Georg Soltau
14. April 2019 @ 20:07
ich kann mich nur wiederholen : “Verkehrte Welt…..diejenigen die die Taten verübt bzw. diese angeordnet oder geduldet haben sollten bestraft werden und nicht diejenigen die die Taten ans Licht gebracht haben.” Junker & Co machen sich durch ihr Schweigen/Verhalten mitschuldig. Wenn es um Verbrechen geht, darf es keine “Betriebsgeheimnisse” geben. Die Whistleblower müssen endlich geschützt werden.
15. April 2019 @ 00:00
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