Berlusconi mischt Konservative auf (II)
Der Auftritt von Ex-Premier Berlusconi und seinem Nachfolger Monti bei der konservativen Parteienfamilie EVP in Brüssel hat Spuren hinterlassen. Einerseits hat er daran erinnert, dass die EVP – darunter auch Merkels CDU – nie wirklich mit Berlusconi gebrochen hat, er erschien wie selbstverständlich auf dem EVP-Treffen. Andererseits waren viele erstaunt, dort Monti zu sehen, denn der ist offiziell parteilos. Droht der EVP eine Zerreißprobe?
Der britische “Economist” widmete dem Spektakel eine schöne Geschichte, (“The Silvio and Mario show”), auf die ich per Leserbrief antwortete. Darauf folgten viele weitere Reaktionen. Weil sowohl für Italien als auch für die europäischen Konservativen so viel von der Silvio-Mario-Story abhängt, dokumentierte ich hier den Briefwechsel (genau genommen den Part, an dem ich beteiligt war):
Erst meine Reaktion (zufällig war ich der erste):
This is completely hypocrite. Berluscuni never ceased to take part in the EPPs meeting. Nobody ever cared, despite the official mistrust. Now that he plans a come-back, the conservatives invite Monti. The invitation itself makes clear that they want him to run. Merkel even talked to Monti. But afterwards nobody wants to take any responsibility. What a nice family! And these guys are running the Commission, the Council, and they want to kkep their power in the 2014 Europena elections… Hope they do not succed.
Dann MR_80
Nobody until now in the EPP have ever seriously thought to expel Berlusconi’s party from the EPP, notwithstanding in the PdL party there are many people convicted for bribery, tax fraud, money laundering and even MAFIA! Nor are irreproachable the members of the main Italian sponsor of Mr Monti, the UDC party guided by Mr Casini, whose presence in EPP have been never questioned… Notwithstanding the former Governor of Sicily, member of UDC is in prison now for MAFIA… once again.
I do not know how Mrs Merkel & co could ask Mr Monti to be the leader of a Government supported by such corrupted parties!
I do not think they do not know how is the political situation in Italy…Do they want Mr Monti give a legitimacy to corruption, task fraud, money laundering and Mafia? Or is in fact the EPP just trying to preserve their HUGE Italian sink of votes?
Schließlich longman333
You are talking through your hat. Berlusconi is only persecuted by left-winger magistrates who have tried to fight him with every kind of accusations which were pure fabrications. The proof is that he has never been definitely found guilty of anything. Everybody knows in Italy that the prosecutors against Berlusconi are communists who have fought against him for the last 20 years (year 1994!) when he entered the field against the red enemies of the mankind: the communists. At the same time the leftists engineered their smear vicious campaign against him based on lies, sham and distortion of the facts with the help of trashy left-wing newspapers as La Repubblica or L’Unità which are specialised in writing falsehoods.
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