“ECB must do more”

Die EZB hält ihr Pulver trocken. Obwohl das Inflationsziel von zwei Prozent deutlich verfehlt wird, beschloss die Zentralbank heute keine neuen Maßnahmen.

Das sorgt für Enttäuschung im Europaparlament. Hier ein Statement der Chefin des Wirtschaftsausschusses Sharon Bowles, einer britischen (!) Liberalen (!):

“The rates policy appears to have hit some real limits. Economic recovery continues to be subdued but even more significantly credit is not flowing to the SMEs. This is something that has been strongly denounced at the European Parliament and which, during Monetary Dialogues, Mario Draghi has said is a failure in transmission of monetary policy that merits extraordinary measures.

So now it is time to be blunter in helping credit to the real economy. This is all the more necessary when the effects of FED tapering hitting emerging markets knocks on to Europe. I do not think the President of the ECB is feint hearted; it is up to the governing council to give him the backing he needs. I am looking forward to the ECB decisions in March. The ECB can and should do more.”

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