Warum Grüne und Linke “Nein” sagen

Es wird eng für Von der Leyen. Nach den Anhörungen im Europaparlament haben sich Grüne und Linke auf ein Nein zur Möchtegern-Chefin der EU-Kommission festgelegt. Doch wie wird die Ablehnung eigentlich begründet?

Ist doch sonnenklar, Von der Leyen war keine Spitzenkandidatin bei der Europawahl, könnte man meinen. Aber so einfach ist das nicht. Natürlich spielt es eine wichtige Rolle, dass VdL sich nicht den Wählern vorgestellt und kein Programm vorgelegt hat.

Im “Nein” steckt auch viel Wut über das eigenmächtige Vorgehen des Rates. Doch das sind nicht die einzigen Motive, die Grüne und Linke bewegen. Wer genauer hinschaut, entdeckt sogar einige interessante Unterschiede. Hier eine Übersicht:

Quelle: Pressemitteilungen der Parteien, Hervorhebungen von @lostineu

Die Grünen (S. Keller und P. Lamberts)

“The statements of Ursula von der Leyen were disappointing. We did not hear any concrete proposal, be it on rule of law or on climate. We have been elected on a mandate for change and we don’t see how change will be possible with this candidate.

“The President of the European Commission needs to be the guardian of the rule of law and European values. Ursula von der Leyen evaded our questions on the rule of law and democracy in Europe. This is a major shortcoming on one of the main questions that the EU is confronted with.

“Only a few weeks after the climate elections, she is ignoring the climate emergency and even wants to aim for lower climate targets than previously agreed by the European Parliament. Ms von der Leyen is simply not a Commission President that the Greens/EFA group can support.

“We insist that the voters deserve a democratic and transparent process when it comes to the choice of Commission President. The lead candidate process has not been respected which is a betrayal of the European electorate.”

Die Linke (M. Schirdewan)

“We have listened carefully to Ms Von der Leyen and grilled her on our 10 key demands for the next Commission. Her responses were insufficient to satisfy the basic aspirations of EU citizens. They will help perpetuate the chronic problems the EU is facing.”

“We realise she does not have a vision that is based on social justice and on human rights. She will perpetuate the neoliberal policies that have led to the economic crisis and unprecedented poverty and inequality among Europeans. We saw little desire to tackle tax avoidance and fraud by big corporations.”

“We are also concerned about the militarisation of the EU that Von Der Leyen is proposing. Her legacy in Germany is of arms to Saudi Arabia and support for military intervention. Likewise, no credible proposals to reform the EU asylum system and end the shameful deaths in the Mediterranean.”

“On the environment, Von Der Leyen’s proposals are not sufficient to tackle the climate emergency that pose an existential threat to our planet.”

“For these and other reasons we will not support Ursula Von Der Leyen’s candidacy for Commission President. We demand a truly democratic process for EU top jobs and an end to backroom deals.”

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